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Aaronjrikko(Mem) said on 2018-01-07 21:29
Kenyarn i need the filelist code of loadedvibe.cf and please explain the steps in which i wuld paste it,i know that its official but pls help me crack weezywap footer code(not homepage).tanx
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Keyarn(Admin) said on 2018-01-08 19:07
* aaronjrikko
copy weezy wap footer code bellow
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Copy code
(edited 2018-01-19 07:56 by Keyarn )
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Keyarn(Admin) said on 2018-01-08 19:13
* Keyarn
and that loadedvibes is not loading on ma phone
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Aaronjrikko(Mem) said on 2018-01-09 13:29
* Keyarn
Tank u 4 dey footer code,i need samzynet.tk filelist code and please explain it
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Keyarn(Admin) said on 2018-01-09 22:23
* aaronjrikko
You mean @ the homepage?
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Elblincz(Mem) said on 2018-01-16 16:15
* Keyarn
yes,for the homepage and also how can you remove the upper side of the footer but don't remove the translate
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Keyarn(Admin) said on 2018-01-17 19:09
* Elblincz
i dont understaand the upper side you mean and for the file list, i will get it for you
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Elblincz(Mem) said on 2018-01-18 15:51
* Keyarn
Remove the pages of the footer and I need the subscribe panel code for www.luckywap99.xtgem.com
(edited 2018-01-18 15:52 by Elblincz )
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Keyarn(Admin) said on 2018-01-19 08:57
* Elblincz
just name the ones that you want me to remove and i will remove them and for the subriscription code visit https://feedburner.google.com and register then you will get the code after the registeration
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Mrrikko(Mem) said on 2018-01-27 06:27
* Keyarn
this is what the show me after writing the URL of my site
(edited 2018-01-27 06:29 by MrRikko )
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