Just click on +Add block in your building tools then when it opened, you scroll down to utilities and click one social then when it open again you click on blog then set up de necessary settings.
I have just teach you how to add blog but you didnt read it with atension.
Now i will teach you how to add guestbook on a page.
1st. Creat a page direct in your filebrowser and name it guestbook then open the page and click on any plus sign + Add block » then when it open, you scrol down where you will see Utilities and click on social » then when it open again you click on Guestbook and press ok . Thats All
Note: this is the methode that you are going to use to add blog,guestbook,forum,chatroom on your site!!!
Keyarn(Admin) said on 2017-04-09 09:22